By Breaking Live News Staff: The Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing (MIDH) has reported damage to the Coastal Plains Highway around kilometer 27.78 due to heavy rainfall and flooding over the weekend.
Initial assessments reveal that a box culvert was overwhelmed by backwater from Soldier Creek, located approximately 180 meters away. The blockage of the creek and deforestation caused by recent wildfires contributed to increased catchment areas, exacerbating the flooding.
The MIDH’s Road Maintenance Unit and the contractor have been mobilized to clean up and restore the pavement. Further assessments are underway to identify any additional factors that diverted runoff from Soldier Creek.
Footage shows that erosion protection measures, such as gabion baskets, were in place at the culvert’s inlet and outlet, but the intensity of the rainfall and flash floods, along with debris, overwhelmed the culvert’s capacity.
The MIDH will provide further updates throughout the day and advise motorists to exercise caution during the remedial works.